The Role of Monks in Educational Management Accordance with The Neo-Humanism Philosophy: A Case Study of Wat Samrong School Nakhon Chai Si District Nakhon Pathom Province

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Tinnakrittapat Rungmuang
Prapawan Trakulkasemsuk
Phrapalad Prapoj Supabhato


This article has 1 objectives: to study the roles of monks Concepts and methods of education according to the new humanistic philosophy, 2) to study the problems and obstacles in the management of education according to the new humanistic philosophy, and 3) to propose methods of education according to the new humanistic philosophy The research model was a qualitative research by using interviews to collect data consisting of 1) 5 moral teaching teachers, 2) 1 school administrator and 3) 5 teachers in the school. Is Semi-structural interview form Qualitative data analysis from interviews Using content analysis, the research found that The role of monks Helps in human and social development. Allowing humans to develop themselves both physically and mentally. As well as to convey good feelings Full of great compassion Emphasizing the organization of Buddhist activities such as meditation, observance of Buddhist doctrine Can be used in the development of humans to be Can grow both physically, socially, mentally and intellectually.

Knowledge/ Findings from this research Is the provision of education according to the new humanistic philosophy in accordance with the aims for children and youth to develop into perfect humans.

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How to Cite
Rungmuang, T. . ., Trakulkasemsuk , P. ., & Supabhato, P. P. . (2020). The Role of Monks in Educational Management Accordance with The Neo-Humanism Philosophy: A Case Study of Wat Samrong School Nakhon Chai Si District Nakhon Pathom Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2), 195–208. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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