A Model the Buddhist Well-being Support of the Sub-District People Training Center in the Southern Thailand

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Phra Komsan Jalearnwong


This Article aimed to study (1)evaluating and keeping in touch the project of the Buddhist well-being support of the Sub-District people training center in the Southern Thailand, (2) developing the knowledge and innovation of the Buddhist well-being support of the Sub-District people training center in the Southern Thailand, and (3) creating the co-operation and working mechanism of the Sub-District people training center in the Southern Thailand with a government sector, private sector and community. A research methodology was a survey research and participant observation research by 1. Content aspect, input factor aspect, process aspect and production aspect according to CIPP model, and 2. In-depth interview through individual and direct and participatory observations and small group meeting. The research results were found as follows:

  1. To evaluate the opinions of participants to activity of the project for content aspect or environmental atmosphere, input factor aspect, process aspect and production aspect, had the opinions to the activity of the project at the high level.

  2. To develop the knowledge about Dhamma for treatment the mental state of bedridden patients, to recover the art and culture of Lokocha music, to develop the local wisdom of Praekha weaving, to support the community right livelihood, hat knitting, Sangyod rice, dried fish curry and five-favour chilli paste, to create the innovation of Buddhist Well-being through simply Dhamma for treatment the mental state to fight with disease by using the music for helping to create the concentration for disease treatment, by the local food for health keeping.

  3. To have the working partners network for support the physical and mental health, to recover the arts and culture, to promote the right livelihood such as provincial Buddhism office, human security and social development office, community development office, Sub-District health promoting hospitals, municipalities, schools, housewife groups, and local people.

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How to Cite
Jalearnwong, P. K. . (2021). A Model the Buddhist Well-being Support of the Sub-District People Training Center in the Southern Thailand. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 1–11. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/243274
Research Articles


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