The Comparative of Admissibility of Evidence Caused by Sting Operation and Entrapment

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Yapayong Wingworn
Sutee Angsuchaikit


The purpose of this article is to present the study on the difference between sting operation and entrapment. In order to be useful in the performance of duties of the officers involved in the proceedings of the administration of justice and be consistent with the rule of law. At present, Thai courts have complied with the principle that, if state operation is just a way to find evidence for arrest the offender. It is not an unlawful process. Therefore were able to listen as evidence against the defendant. But if the defendant commits an offense because they are lured to the crime, there is no criminal liability or in some cases not punishing the defendant caused the plaintiff has no power to prosecute. Because the offense is caused by the temptation of private employment, the plaintiff is considered to be the cause of the defendant to commit an offense and therefore is not law injured person.

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How to Cite
Wingworn, Y., & Angsuchaikit, S. (2020). The Comparative of Admissibility of Evidence Caused by Sting Operation and Entrapment. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2), 235–246. retrieved from
Research Articles


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