The Needs Assessment for Budget Administration of School in The Inspection Region 1

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Kasama Saenon


The objective of this research was to analyze needs assessment for budget administration of school in the inspection region 1 in relation. The sample group consisted of 302 administrators of school in the inspection region 1. A questionnaire with 5 rating scales was used for data collection. The reliability of the questionnaire was 0.99.  The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation and PNI method.

The research findings were as follows: Needs assessment for budget administration of school in the inspection region 1 was different. The mean of the item “what should be” was higher than “what is”, in both entire and separated aspects. After the evaluation of the needs process found that; the most important need for budget administration of school in the inspection region 1 was output costing, procurement management, budget planning, asset management internal audit, financial management and budgeting control and financial and performance reporting.

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How to Cite
Saenon, K. . (2020). The Needs Assessment for Budget Administration of School in The Inspection Region 1. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2), 1–10. Retrieved from
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