The Tourist Recreation Area Management for Mobility Impaired Persons in Chiangmai Province

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Yathaweemintr Peuchthonglang
Mingkwan Kanjina
Prateep Peuchthonglang


The research topic “the tourist area management for mobility impaired within tourist recreation areas in Chiang Mai” the object were to study the tourism standard for mobility impaired at Chiang Mai and study Innovation of the tourist area management for mobility impaired. The research used mixed method, gather the qualitative research and the quantitative. The area of research was Royal Park Rajapruek and Chiangmai Zoo. The sample groups which were the staff of the area for 10 people each area was 5 people by purposive sampling and tourist in the area for 20 people each area was 10 people by accidental sampling. The instruments used in the research are two types 1) questionnaire 2) interviews. Data were analyzed using percentage comparative and write descriptive result research founded.

          The tourism standard for mobility impaired in Recreational Attraction in Chiangmai province. The most important factor to go travel was famous and the factor that didn’t go travel was the journey wasn’t convenient. Likewise the obstacles what people not to go was physical. Mostly Answerer though that the standard was good polite and respond require increasingly. In Environmental building, mostly mobility impaired though that standardized and them though that the slope path and parking was standardized.

          Innovation of the tourist area management for mobility impaired within tourist recreation areas in Chiang Mai, physical and building show symbol of mobility every climax place, sign of mobility was clearly seen, The counter information for mobility impaired was inessential because mainly of them travel with family or keeper facilitate for them. Restroom was sliding door especially climax point in tourist attraction and some of slope path have two or three handrail or haven’t. Parking for mobility near the entrance way cause convenient for them.

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How to Cite
Peuchthonglang, Y. ., Kanjina, M. ., & Peuchthonglang, P. . (2020). The Tourist Recreation Area Management for Mobility Impaired Persons in Chiangmai Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2), 183–194. Retrieved from
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