Characteristics of Transformational Leadership of School Administrators

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Thongthipa Wankaeow


The world society has changed rapidly. Every country around the world has a convenient
to communicate and exchange of news and information. All over the world there is cooperation in
all aspects, In terms of economy, politics, society, and business, and education, technology, with
fast and intense. Thailand as members of the world will inevitably be affected must change in
every dimension to be able to remain amidst the variation of this world. Especially the ability to
compete to create economic stability is the key leading to national security and is the goal of
sustainable development which requires manpower, technology and conscience of society. The
best tool to development achieve the goal is education because education is an activity aimed an
intellectual development and ability to perform. But previous education quality was not as
successful as it should be. And the results of the quality of education management in the country
are not satisfactory.
"Leader" is an important person in the organization. Have a role that needs to be taken
under the conditions of the surrounding conditions. Especially the world has changed rapidly. So
the knowledge of "leadership" is very important for every organization. In a globalized world,
technology is accelerated rapid changes in society from the past to the present. Organization must
change ourselves all the time. "Leaders" and "Leadership" are important factors that should be
developed on neutral and maintaining balance of various elements management priorities are very
important for life at the individual level and at the leader level. "Balanced leadership" is a new
leadership style that has been synthesized from 5 fundamental leadership theories in order to
have characteristics that are consistent with globalization and the world in the next decade. The
important thing is: Skills of prioritizing management innovation and maintaining balance of various
factors must be adapted.

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How to Cite
Wankaeow, T. . (2020). Characteristics of Transformational Leadership of School Administrators. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(3), 13–26. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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