An Application of Threefold Training to Human Capital Development in 21 Century

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Phrakhru srittammavaraphorn


Living in social distress, harass, molest, without difficulties or disasters, but known to the
official relationship with human friends help to aid troubled within the frame of the sacrament. Life
according to the principles of the sacrament, in partnership with the society's rules for treatment.

Rules or laws, rules of their society and culture live together happily. Behavior change, with
relation to the physical environment, or other object that is a world recognized using eye, ears,
nose, tongue, body is organic in perception without consequences or punishment has occurred but
rather promotes the quality of life and effective organic training.
This article will present the issues related to the practical application by the threefold
training Nirvana, will present the issues include ideas about the meaning of the threefold training
of threefold training of threefold training of threefold training process, the importance and the
application of threefold training to human capital development in the 21 century, so as to further

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How to Cite
srittammavaraphorn, P. (2020). An Application of Threefold Training to Human Capital Development in 21 Century. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 13–24. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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