Creativity for Perceptual Tourism in Sandstone Geomophology of Pa-Tam and Sam-Pan-Bok Geologic Park, Ubon Ratchathani Province

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Kawee Worrakawin
Seri Wongmontha
Chawalee Na Thalang
Thanarat Rattanapongtara


The research aims: 1) to study the physical features of Minor Morphology of Sandstone Tourist attraction in Pa-Tam and Sam-Pan-Bok Geologic Park 2) to evaluate the perception level of Creativity for Perceptual Tourism; and 3) to create a creative conceptual tourism route in the area of Sandstone Geomorphology of Pa-Tam and Sam-Pan-Bok Geologic Park, Ubon Ratchathani Province. This is a qualitative research. The qualitative structured interview will be conducted to 25 key informants who are 15 Thai tourists, 5 experts and 5 monks. The qualitative data will be analyzed with the content analysis.

The results of the research revealed 1) At Pa-Tam and Sam-Pan-Bok Geologic Park, there are 10 physical morphological features for tourism as follows:  Rock Cliff, Rock Layer, Rock pillar, Rock Crack, Rock button, Rapids, Pothole, Rock Hand, Water Fall and Sandy Soil. 2) The interview data has displayed 3 levels of the perception of creativity for perceptual tourism; perception, intellectual and conceptual. Majority of tourists’ awareness is categorized in the perception level, less in the intellectual level and very few in the conceptual level. 3) The researcher has created 5 water tourism routes consisting of (1) Sam-Pan-Bok route, (2) Pa-Chan route, (3) Kaeng-Pa-Chanadai to Ban-Thung-Na-Mueang route, (4) Kaeng-Kao-Pan-Bok route, and (5) Kaeng-Pa-Sok route as well as 3 ground tourism routes; (1) South Pa-Tam route, (2) Center Pa-Tam route and (3) North Pa-Tam route (Pa-Chan–Pa-Nang-Koi). The result of this research could be delivered to other related parties in order to provide relevant information to create awareness for tourists and to present creativity for perceptual tourism routes of Minor Morphology of sandstone tourist attractions.

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How to Cite
Worrakawin , K. ., Wongmontha, S. ., Na Thalang, C. ., & Rattanapongtara, T. . (2020). Creativity for Perceptual Tourism in Sandstone Geomophology of Pa-Tam and Sam-Pan-Bok Geologic Park, Ubon Ratchathani Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2), 156–169. Retrieved from
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