Work Efficiency of Life Insurance Agents in AIA Insurance Company

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Siriphon Phuttarak
Chanin vijchulata
Sukajit Na Nakorn
Aniruth Phongpaew


The topic of this survey research was to study the characteristics of life insurance agents, supporting factors, and the work efficiency of life insurance agents in AIA Insurance Company The sample used for this research was 226 life insurance agents in AIA Insurance Company Thong Thani Branch, Bangkok. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Statistics used to analyze the data were Frequency, Percentage, Average Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test, One-Way ANOVA f-test, and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.

The results revealed the following:

1.) The work efficiency of life insurance agents in AIA Insurance Company had overall scores in the “Strongly Agree” level including Job Related Knowledge, Practical Job Skills, Ability to Create and Expand Customer Base, and Advancement. 

2.) Work efficiency of life insurance agents in AIA Insurance Company was different for Agents with different gender, age, education level, monthly salary and job experience, at the 0.05 level of statistical significance.   3.) Work efficiency of life insurance agents in AIA Insurance Company had a high level positive correlation with overall supporting factors, a low level positive correlation with Job Specific Knowledge and Motivational Skills, an average level positive correlation with Marketing Skills

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How to Cite
Phuttarak, S. ., vijchulata, C. ., Na Nakorn, S. ., & Phongpaew, A. . (2020). Work Efficiency of Life Insurance Agents in AIA Insurance Company. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2), 221–234. Retrieved from
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