Formative Leadership of Administrators and Academic Affairs Administration in School under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6

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Janjira Namkhaw


The purposes of this research were to determine 1) formative leadership of administrators in school under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6; 2) academic administration in school under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6; and 3) the relationship between formative leadership of administrators and academic administration of the school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6. The samples were 48 schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6. The instrument was a questionnaire about the formative leadership of administrators based on Ash and Persall concept and academic administration according to scope and mission of the academic operation at the office of the commission basic education to the guidelines of the ministerial regulation and decentralization administrative power and educational management B.E.2550. The statistical analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient.The results of these analyses showed that

1) The formative leadership of administrators in school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6, as a whole were at a high level and each aspect at a high level were ranked from the highest to the lowest mean: Team inquiry, collaborative problem solving, examining shared beliefs, Imaging Future possibilities, collecting analyzing and asking questions

2) Academic affairs administration in school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6, as a whole were at a high level and each aspect at a high level were ranked from the highest to the lowest.

3) The relationship between formative leadership of administrators and academic administration in school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6 was high relation at 0.01 level of significance.

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How to Cite
Namkhaw, J. (2020). Formative Leadership of Administrators and Academic Affairs Administration in School under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 389–402. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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