The Relationship Between Student Role Skills and Teacher Role Skills in the Twenty-First Century of Pre-Service Teachers at Rajabhat Universities in Bangkok Metropolis

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Kunracha Champafuang


The purposes of this study were as follows: (1) to study the student role skills in the twenty-first century of pre-service teachers; (2) to study the teacher role skills in the twenty-first century of the teachers under study; and (3) to study the relationship between the student role skills and the teacher role skills of these teachers in the twenty-first century. The sample population consisted of 453 fifth year pre-service undergraduates in the Faculty of Education in the academic year 2019 at Rajabhat Universities in Bangkok Metropolis. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The technique of the canonical correlation coefficient was also employed.

The results of the study showed that the student role skills in the twenty-first century of the students under study in the aspect of information technology exhibited the highest mean score at 88.21 percent. The teacher role skills in the twenty-first century of the teachers under investigation in the aspects of media use and leadership skills in learning management exhibited the highest mean score at 85.60 percent. And the student role skills and teacher role skills in the twenty-first century of the teachers under study exhibited a correlation at the statistically significant level of .05 (Rc = 0.818).

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How to Cite
Champafuang, K. . (2020). The Relationship Between Student Role Skills and Teacher Role Skills in the Twenty-First Century of Pre-Service Teachers at Rajabhat Universities in Bangkok Metropolis. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 437–451. retrieved from
Research Articles


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