Factors Affecting Organizational Commitmant of Personnal A Case Study of Bangkwang Central Prison Nonthaburi Province

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Aniruth Pongpaew
Pichai Latthasaksiri
Pong Oakkharatheawa


This research aimed to 1) study Organization Engagement of personnel at Bangkwang Central Prison  Nonthaburi Province. 2) Study Organizational Commitmant of Personnal in Bangkwang Central Prison Nonthaburi Province by personel factor. 3) Study factor affecting Organizational Commitmant of Personnal in Bangkwang Central Prison Nonthaburi Province . Samples were 293 personnel in Bangkwang Central Prison, Nonthaburi Province. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-Way ANOVA (LSD as a pair comparison) and a Multiple Regression Analysis respectively.

          The result revealed that Personnel at Bang kwang Central Prison had a highest level of agreement of overall factors contributing to their organization engagement (= 4.62). To consider in each aspect of factors was found that personnel at Bangkwang Central Prison had a highest level of agreement toward the factor of their work (= 4.63), a high level of agreement toward the organization factor (= 4.37), a highest level of agreement toward the job experience factor (= 4.77) respectively. The results of testing the research hypothesis found that personnel at Bangkwang Central Prison with the different background: gender, age, marital status, the educational background, salary, and job experience significantly had a different level of the organization engagement at 0.05 level. In terms of factors contributing to the Organization Engagement of personnel in Bang Kwang Central Prison, it revealed that factor of job responsibility (X4), the policy(X5) and job guidelines management contribution (X6), and the job characteristics(X8) were significantly affected to the Organization Engagement of personnel in Bangkwang Central Prison, and has a quality of forecast of 60.10 percent. Thai can be written in a forecast equation with a raw score as follows:

                            Ý =  -0.611 +0.789x4 + 0.183x5 - 0.237x6  + 0.426x8   

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How to Cite
Pongpaew, A. ., Latthasaksiri, P. ., & Oakkharatheawa , P. . (2020). Factors Affecting Organizational Commitmant of Personnal A Case Study of Bangkwang Central Prison Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2), 261–272. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/244177
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