The Development of a Training Program to Enhance Product Presentation Efficiency of a Unit-Linked Life Insurance Policy for Financial Advisors

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Purit Laosiritaworn
Nuanla-or Saensuk
Orathai Chuacharoen
Wanchai Panjan


The objectives of this research were (1) to study the components necessary to increase the efficiency of the offering of investment life insurance products for financial advisors; (2) to create a training program to increase the efficiency of the presentation of investment life insurance products for financial consultants; and (3) to assess training programs to increase the efficiency of offering life-insurance investment products for financial advisors the sample group in inquiring about opinions regarding necessary elements are life insurance brokers with investment. A sample was selected from 600 cases were included as a sample. The samples in this study were training program consisting of experts, academics, financial advisors, totaling 9 people, by using group discussion and the samples for evaluating the training program were 30 financial advisors from various companies using the tools Evaluation and trial of the training program. It was found that;

  1. The elements necessary to enhance the efficiency of the offering of investment life insurance products for financial advisors are as follows: There were 5 components which are 1) knowledge of investment life insurance products; 2) professional presentation skills; 3) ethics and guidelines propose correctly according to the guidelines; 4) collaboration skills for success; and 5) personality and attitude of being a financial advisor.

  2. Create a training program to increase the efficiency of offering life insurance products with investment for financial advisors. It was found that the training program outline is divided into 5 training units, which were learning unit 1: life insurance product knowledge and investment, learning unit 2: ethics and the proposed guidelines correctly according to the guidelines, learning unit 3: professional presentation skills learning, unit 4: collaboration skills for successful learning unit, and 5: personality and attitude of financial advisor.

  3. The evaluation of training programs to increase the efficiency of offering life-insurance products for financial advisors. It was found that the average score of knowledge of increasing the efficiency of offering life-insurance products was 4.20 from 5 points, higher than the specified criteria (not lower than 3.50).

The findings were as follows: (1) received training programs to increase the efficiency of offering life insurance products with investment for financial advisors; (2) guidelines for the development of training programs to increase the efficiency of other financial product presentations; and (3) obtain guidelines for developing an organization to have a competitive edge in the financial consulting business which will lead to a highly efficient organization.

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How to Cite
Laosiritaworn, P. ., Saensuk, N.- or, Chuacharoen, O. ., & Panjan, W. (2020). The Development of a Training Program to Enhance Product Presentation Efficiency of a Unit-Linked Life Insurance Policy for Financial Advisors. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 469–488. Retrieved from
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