Factors of Affecting the Accidents in Working of Firefighters: A Case Study of Office of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Bangkok

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Kanjana Wisai


The objective of this research was to study factors affecting accident incidence during working of firefighters for the guidelines prevention of firefighters accident at the Office of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Bangkok. Quantitative research methodology was employed to 314 firefighters at the Office of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Bangkok using questionnaires and statistically analyzed in terms of percentages, averages, standard deviations, means differences by t-test and One-way ANOVA, including relationships among variables by Correlations and Regression Analysis.

The results of the study were as follows: risk perception factor was correlated with the accident incidence rate of these firefighters at low level. And that factors affecting the accident incidence rate on firefighting job about physical risk perception and working environment risk perception with 0.05 level of statistical significance in descending weights were 1) awareness of unsuitable physical health preparedness risk of accident incidence, 2) awareness of the higher temperature from fire, 3) awareness of danger from leaking chemicals during firefighting, 4) awareness of smoke and toxic gas during firefighting, and 5) working while some parts of the body suffered from injuries. From the study it was suggested that there should be at least twice training sessions for firefighters per year, therefore, with well prepared to cope with unexpected situations effectively, well-trained firefighting techniques, and strict rule abidance, the accident incidence rate on job can be significantly reduced.

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How to Cite
Wisai, K. . (2021). Factors of Affecting the Accidents in Working of Firefighters: A Case Study of Office of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Bangkok. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 269–283. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/244476
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