Factors Affecting Sangyod Rice Production of Farmers in Mueang District, Phattalung Province

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Paramat Saisaard
Chalermpon Jatuporn
Manoon Toyama


The purposes of this study were to (1) compare the total cost and net income of organic Sangyod rice production and conventional Sangyod rice production, and (2) analyze factors affecting Sangyod rice production of farmers in Mueang district, Phattalung province. The quantitative research was employed using the production function as a research framework. The samples were 178 Sangyod rice farmers in Mueang district, Phattalung province which divided into two groups consisting of 66 organic Sangyod rice farmers, and 112 conventional Sangyod rice farmers. The simple random sampling and questionnaires were used as research tools. The descriptive and inferential statistics were analyzed including mean, percentage, t-test, and multiple regression using a backward elimination approach. The results revealed as follows:

  1. There was a difference with no statistical significance in the total cost and net income between organic Sangyod rice farmers and conventional Sangyod rice farmers.

  2. The factors affecting Sangyod rice production of farmers in Mueang district, Phattalung Province, included the number of household labor, net income from Sangyod rice production, and production costs of Sangyod rice.

The research findings showed that the technology replacing human labor, and funding sources for Sangyod rice production were the factors affecting Sangyod rice productivity of farmers in Muang District, Phattalung Province.

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How to Cite
Saisaard, P. ., Jatuporn, C., & Toyama, M. . (2021). Factors Affecting Sangyod Rice Production of Farmers in Mueang District, Phattalung Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 25–37. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/245402
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