Educational Approaches of Santi Asoke Buddhist Organization In The Digital World

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Kitipong Saejiaw


The purposes of this study were as follows: 1) to study the problems of Educational Approaches of Santi Asoke; and 2) to study the direction of Educational Approaches of Santi Asoke Buddhist Organization in The Digital World. The study was a qualitative research. The researcher studied from key informants which were 20 people of confederate Educational Approaches of Santi Asoke Buddhist Organization. They were selected by key informants the instrument for collecting data were in-depth interviews, Analysis data by descriptive content analysis methods. The research results were found as follows: 1. The Santi Asoke Buddhist Organization has Educational Approaches by lifelong education for all members, including but not limited to genders, all ages, and the general public, believe in human’ potential, human can develop knowledge, ability, attitude for making Better life. The ultimate purpose in life is to enter delivered from suffering that determines a cha of suffering by using formal education, non-formal education, and informal education. However, the impact of digital transformation having on today’s society and lifestyles. The Santi Asoke Buddhist Organization has our philosophy, beliefs, ideas, and goals that remain unchanged which the learning styles of education management for everyone could be adapted to be suited with the era of the digital world; and 2. The direction of Educational Approaches of Santi Asoke Buddhist Organization in the digital world were 1) awareness of education, 2) access, 3) awareness of digital, 4) digital literacy, 5) self-direct learning, 6) opportunity, 7) knowledge management, 8) environment learning, and 9) development facilitator.

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How to Cite
Saejiaw, K. . (2021). Educational Approaches of Santi Asoke Buddhist Organization In The Digital World. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 161–176. Retrieved from
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