A Model for Using Buddhist Dhammas to Promote the Service of Automobile Repair Shops in Khueang-Nai District, Ubonratchathani Province

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Preeyaporn Ritthaprom
Phra Sophonphatthanabandit (Sukanya Aruno)
Phramaha Mit Thitapanyo


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the use of Buddhist dhammas for promoting the services of an establishment; 2) to study the use of Buddhist dhammas for promoting the services of Automobile Repair Shops in Khueang-Nai District, Ubonratchathani Province; and 3) to analytically study the use of Buddhist dhamma for promoting the services of Automobile Repair Shops in Khueang-Nai District, Ubonratchathani Province. This study was carried out by means of the qualitative research methodology through investigating the documents and fieldwork to conduct the interviews. The obtained data were interpreted by the descriptive analysis.

The research results were as follows: Buddhist dhammas for promoting the services of an establishment included: Seven Sappurisadhamma (Seven Qualities of a Good Man), Diṭṭhadhammi-kattha (Temporal Welfare), Pāpaṇika-Dhamma (Qualities of a Successful Businessman), Saṅgahavatthu (Based of Social Solidarity), Iddhipāda (Paths of Accomplishment) and Sucarita (Good Conduct). The use of Buddhist principles can be applied in activities and work. The analysis of the use of Buddhist dhamma for promoting the services of Automobile Repair Shops in Khueang-Nai District, Ubon-ratchathani Province indicated seven types of promotion: 1) Product: Pāpaṇika-Dhamma including shrewd, capacity of administering business and having a good credit rating should be used; 2) Price: Diṭṭhadhammikattha including achievement of diligence, achievement of protection, association with good people, living economically should be applied; 3) Distribution channels: Seven Sappurisa-dhamma including to know time, community and people should be used; 4) Marketing: Pāpaṇika-Dhamma including to please customers should be used; 5) Person: Sappurisa-dhamma, Iddhipāda, Sucarita used in terms of knowing oneself, having diligence, thoughtfulness and honesty should be used; 6) Creating and presenting physical characteristics: Sappurisa-dhamma including to know oneself according to one’s own status should be used; 7) Process: Saṅgahavatthu including to perform useful conducts should be applied.

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How to Cite
Ritthaprom, P. ., (Sukanya Aruno), P. S., & Thitapanyo, P. M. . (2021). A Model for Using Buddhist Dhammas to Promote the Service of Automobile Repair Shops in Khueang-Nai District, Ubonratchathani Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 666–677. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/249233
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