Deployment Guidelines of Cittanupasanasatipasthanana for Solving the Stress of an Elderly People of Khon Kaen Nursing Home

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Phra Rungtham Jodidhammo
Phramaha Mit Thitapanyo
Phra Sophonphatthanabandit (Sukanya Aruno)


The current situation in Thai society is entering an aging society. Government agencies and agencies that are involved with the elderly both realized and valued there is a measure to help. Solving the problem of finding ways to promote health for the elderly to provide the elderly with good quality of life. The purposes of this study were: 1) to study the principles of consciousness and sanitation, according to the Theravada Buddhism guidelines; 2) to study the stress problems of the elderly in the Khon Kaen Nursing Home Care Center; and 3) to study the method of applying Cittanupasanasatipasthanana principles in solving stress problems of the Elderly in Khon Kaen Nursing Home Care Center. It was a documentary research by studying and researching documents, academic textbooks, research books, including conducting field research by going into the in-depth interview data storage area. The data were analyzed by descriptive methods.

The research results were found as follows: 1) Cittanupasanasatipasthanana is the consciousness of the body, the mind, the awareness, the awareness of the emotions that affect the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, and senses the reaction. Mindfulness practice is a process of training the mind to be aware of the whole mind. Not dull in the mood the mind is free from contamination to the area of ​​Nirvana.

2) These problems were obstacles or problems in life. To be careful in life, there must be someone to take care of it.

3)Guidelines for physical adaptation, bringing activities for listening to sermons, discussions, Dharma Walk to meditate for social well-being, bringing merit-making activities Mental recreational activities: Meditation is used to treat mental consciousness in the context of enlightened awareness.

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How to Cite
Jodidhammo, P. R., Thitapanyo, P. M., & (Sukanya Aruno), P. S. (2021). Deployment Guidelines of Cittanupasanasatipasthanana for Solving the Stress of an Elderly People of Khon Kaen Nursing Home. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 417–428. Retrieved from
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