Public Participation in Community Development Activities in Bang Khun Thian Seaside Area Bangkok

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Chamroen Thatanan
Wijittra Srisorn
Sunthan Chayanon


The main objectives are: 1) To study the level of public participation in community development activities in Bang Khun Thian seaside area. Bangkok 2) To compare the participation of people in community development activities in Bang Khun Thian seaside area. Bangkok Classified by personal factors and 3) To propose problems and solutions to public participation in community development activities in Bang Khun Thian seaside area Bangkok. Which is a quantitative research. Data were collected from population and sample groups of households with domicile living in the seaside areas. Bang Khun Thian District Bangkok By Taro Yamane at the sample displacement of 0.05, a total of 267 subjects were obtained. And analyzed the data by finding mean and standard deviation. As well as proving the research hypothesis.

The study found that Factors Affecting Public Participation in Community Development Activities in Bang Khun Thian Seaside Area Bangkok, as a whole, had a high average Health has the highest average followed by physical and environmental psychological social economic, respectively. Hypothesis testing The results of the study revealed that different personal factors, “gender”, “age”, “occupation”, “average monthly income” influenced people's participation in community development activities in Bang Khun Thian seaside area. Bangkok No different as for the different levels of education, the people involved in community development activities in Bang Khun Thian seaside area. Bangkok is different and “marital status” that differed affecting the participation of people in community development activities in Bang Khun Thian seaside area. Bangkok Differ in Health and psychological aspects. Suggestions for guidance on how to participate The community should be involved in decision-making on projects or activities. According to the needs of the community. And participated in decision-making in determining community development approach to better solve local problems in each area. This is because people in the area will understand the problems and needs of development more than any other agency in the area. Allocate budget for better community development. And participate in planning for the systematic development of resources in the community So that everyone can access resources in a common community

Knowledge / findings from this research, namely. The community should be involved in decision-making on projects or activities. To the needs of the community. Participate in making decisions in determining community development approaches to better address local problems in each area. Encourage the community to participate in resource mobilization and the community can attend policy-setting meetings. Allocate budget for better community development.

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How to Cite
Thatanan, C. ., Srisorn, W., & Chayanon, S. (2021). Public Participation in Community Development Activities in Bang Khun Thian Seaside Area Bangkok. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 458–471. retrieved from
Research Articles


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