Project Assessment Studies "We Stand Together" Remedial Measures 5,000 Baht (3 months) In the Laksi Area Bangkok

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Anonnat Sirivong
Wijitta Srisorn
Suriya Prapysatok


The situation of the spread of COVID-19 Which has spread all over the world, including Thailand It is imperative that the state must take measures to help those affected. Which is a project "We do not leave each other" Remedy Measures 5,000 Baht (3 months). The main ideas in education were to study the level of opinion of the people and to compare the level of public opinion on the project implementation. Along with a study of recommendations for the implementation of the remedial measure project, 5,000 Baht (3 months). It was a research that combines both quantitative and qualitative research. A study of people in the Laksi area, a sample group from Taroya mane's calculation at 95% confidence level, total 400 people. And from a group of 17 other professional representatives. Analyze the data by percentage. Finding the mean, standard deviation and compare test using t – test and finding One - way ANOVA or F-test.

The results of the research were as follows: The level of public opinion on the project implementation. In the context, there was a crisis that occurred, affecting daily life, in terms of inputs, it was found that the concept, method and implementation of. On the impact side, it was found that the positive impact was to distribute the budget to help those in need. The negative impact is that there is no up-to-date population occupation database, thus it is disqualified. On the productivity side, it was found that the amount of money received was able to be managed worthy and sufficient for sustenance. The satisfaction of the people participating in the project is This measure should be extended. On the results side, it was found that the ease of registration Able to register for eligibility review when registration error occurs. The quality of life of the people found that it can help during unemployment.

Comparing the opinion of the public found that. Personal factor of gender There were different opinions on the implementation of the remedial measure project of 5,000 baht (3 months) in the Lak Si area. Bangkok The difference was at the statistical significance level of 0.05, ie information perception. As for personal factors, age, marital status, occupation and average monthly income. There were no different opinions towards remedial measures project implementation of 5,000 baht (3 months).

The solution to the problems with this project is to improve the registration system and the conditions to be clear. Due to the problem of the registration occupation database which makes it impossible to verify the true identity. Review of rights to those who are not eligible and wish to request a review. Able to conduct a review of eligibility There is no need to wait for the inspection and screening to be completed.

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How to Cite
Sirivong, A. ., Srisorn, W. ., & Prapysatok, S. . (2021). Project Assessment Studies "We Stand Together" Remedial Measures 5,000 Baht (3 months) In the Laksi Area Bangkok. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 635–649. retrieved from
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