Communication of Tourism in the Secondary City of Ratchaburi Province for the Perception of the Population in Bangkok

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Kancan Rungsriwattana
Pasit Thititanarat
Narong Poldok
Chanwit Ariyaworanant


This article aimed to study (1) tourism communication in the secondary city of Ratchaburi Province for the Bangkok population; (2) Bangkok tourists’ perceptions of the secondary city of Ratchaburi Province; (3) the comparison of tourists’ personal factors in Bangkok; (4) the relationship between tourism communication and tourism perception in the secondary city of Ratchaburi Province of tourists in Bangkok; and (5) tourism communication factors that influence tourism perception in the secondary city of Ratchaburi Province of tourists in Bangkok. Data were collected by questionnaire with a confidence of 0.967. The research model was quantitative research by using theoretical concepts. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics consisting of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Data analysis with reference statistics consists of analyzing the values with one-way analysis of Pearson’s correlation coefficient statics and multiple regression analysis.  The research results were found as follows: (1) Personal factors of travelers were different; (2) The perception of tourism in the secondary city of Ratchaburi Province were different; (3) The research hypothesis accepted from tourism communications in print media and social media tourism communication influence the perception of tourism in the secondary city, Ratchaburi Province; (4) The research hypothesis rejected from audio-visual media tourism communication was no influence on the perception of secondary city tourism, Ratchaburi; and (5) Different tourism communication influenced the perception of tourism in the secondary city, Ratchaburi Province.

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How to Cite
Rungsriwattana, K., Thititanarat, P., Poldok, N., & Ariyaworanant, C. (2021). Communication of Tourism in the Secondary City of Ratchaburi Province for the Perception of the Population in Bangkok . Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(3), 907–922. retrieved from
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