The Management of Developing Well-Being in the Community of Peoples in the Pho Talad Kaew Sub District Municipality, Tha Wung District, Lop Buri Province

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Sakda Sinlapapisan
Anuwat Wichaingoen
Pimnipa Rittibut


This article aimed to 1) study the strength level of the community and society in accordance with the philosophy of sufficiency economy and the quality of life level of people in Pho Talad Kaew Sub District Municipality, Tha Wung District, Lop Buri Province; 2) study and analyze the strength of the community and society in accordance with the philosophy of sufficiency economy to the quality of life of people, and 3) develop and analyze the results of the community health development project. This study was a mixed research method. The quantitative sample consisted of 370 people residing in the municipality and 227 heads of households who participated in the community health improvement. The qualitative sample consisted of 398 household heads participating in the project. The instruments used in the research were two types, 1) questionnaire and 2) focus group. Quantitative research data were analyzed using statistics such as percentage, mean, and multiple regression analysis. Qualitative research was used to analyze the content and write a descriptive description.

The research results were found as follows; 1. The level of community strength was at a high level, in descending order as follows: Policies promoting stronger communities, promote participation, integration of community, learning, and community support from outside agencies, respectively.

2. Influence of inputs on administrative resources and higher participation factor resulting in higher happiness factors.

3. The results of the community health development project found that there was a community health development management by implementing the project of temples, clean houses, good hygiene, added virtues, and increasing wealth, creating both value and value to people and communities that better.

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How to Cite
Sinlapapisan, S., Wichaingoen, A. ., & Rittibut, P. (2021). The Management of Developing Well-Being in the Community of Peoples in the Pho Talad Kaew Sub District Municipality, Tha Wung District, Lop Buri Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(3), 1081–1092. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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