History, Story and Legend: Values, Roles and Identity of Kui Ethnic Group at Ku Village, Ku Sub-district, Prangku District, Sisaket Province

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Boonchen Sukkum


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the history, story, and legend of the Kui ethnic group at Ku village, Ku sub-district, Prangku district, Sisaket province; and 2) to study the identity of the Kui ethnic group at Ku village through history, story, and legend that reflect values and roles, 12 informants are community leaders, ritual leaders, religious leaders, and cultural leaders, the data were collected through in-depth interview, focus group of 3 times and descriptive.

          It was found that history of community at Ku village had migrated from Sikhorapum district, Surin province to flee from an epidemic and search for a new workplace. The history of the community indicated the identity of the community that had to be adjusted to live as a rule, treaty, and joint agreement in the community. The group identity of Kui people at Ku village that has seen clearly that is the belief of people in community expressing through local rites and belief in supernatural powers such as ancestor ghosts, grandfather's ghosts, guard ghosts, and sacred things in the house. They are the center that bind people together in community to be united. The group identity of Kui people at Ku village still reflects the mantle that has roles to explain the origin of crowds and rites, roles in educating to train rules, behavior, customs, and maintain social standards, creating a ban for people in the community must behave as the role in being way out for anger of people occurred from social rules and roles in entertaining people in the community. Besides, it still reflects the values on among entertainment, wisdom, strengthening relationships, morality, and education about society and culture.

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How to Cite
Sukkum, B. (2021). History, Story and Legend: Values, Roles and Identity of Kui Ethnic Group at Ku Village, Ku Sub-district, Prangku District, Sisaket Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(3), 1067–1080. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/253630
Research Articles


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