Current Competencies and Desirable Competencies of the Educators from the Perspectives of Mahidol University’s Faculty Level Executives

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Yuwadee Tirataradol
Suchaniya Wongwiwattana


This study aimed to 1) investigate the levels of current competencies and those of the desirable competencies of the educators from the perspectives of the Mahidol University’s faculty level executives; 2) compare the differences between the levels of current competencies and those of the desirable competencies of the educators from the perspectives of the Mahidol University’s faculty level executives; and 3) analyze the desirable competencies of the educators from the perspectives of the Mahidol University’s faculty level executives. The participants of this quantitative research were 47 faculty level executives responsible for educational affairs at Mahidol University who were selected by a simple random sampling method. The data were collected by using a questionnaire and analyzed by using means, standard deviation, dependent t-test, and content analysis.The findings showed that 1) the educators had a high level of current competencies in knowledge and skills and had a very high level in other attributes, and they were expected to have a very high level in all aspects of desirable competencies; 2) the levels of current competencies and those of the desirable competencies statistically differed at a significance level of .01.; and 3) the executives revealed that the educators should have the knowledge about rules and regulations, working approaches, and psychology at work; the skills in time management, analyzing, problem solving, creative thinking, research conducting, and communicating with various kinds of people; and personal and social attributes.

This study discovered that Mahidol University executives at faculty level expected that educators should have more knowledge of psychology and be well rounded; have extra skills in giving consultation; and have wits, positive thinking, and alertness as additional attributes.

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How to Cite
Tirataradol, Y., & Wongwiwattana, S. (2021). Current Competencies and Desirable Competencies of the Educators from the Perspectives of Mahidol University’s Faculty Level Executives. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(3), 1123–1140. retrieved from
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