The Administrator Competencies and Personnel Administration in School under Samutsongkhram Primary Educational Service Area Office

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Phichamol Loachai


The purposes of this research were to determine 1) the administrator competencies in school, the personnel administration in school and, 3) the relationship between the administrator competencies and personnel administration in school under Samutsongkhram primary educational service area office. The samples were 63 schools under Samutsongkhram primary educational service area office. The respondents in each school consisted of 3 respondents: school director, ahead of personal division, and teacher with a total of 189 respondents. The instrument was a questionnaire concerning administrator competencies based on Hellriegel, Jackson, and Slocum’s concept and personnel administration on Castetter’s concept. The statistic were to analyze data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient. The results found that:

1. The administrator competencies in school under Samutsongkhram primary educational service area office as a whole and each aspect was at a high level. Ranking levels with arithmetic mean from the highest to the lowest were; self-management competency, global awareness competency, teamwork competency, communication competency, planning, and administration competency, and strategic action competency.

2. The personnel administration in school under Samutsongkhram primary educational service area office as a whole and each aspect were at a high level. Ranking levels with arithmetic mean from the highest to the lowest were; bargaining, information, continuity, justice, manpower planning, compensation, appraisal, development, recruitment, induction, and selection.

3. Relation between the administrator competencies and personnel administration of in school under Samutsongkhram primary educational service area office was related with a statistically significant at .01 level.

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How to Cite
Loachai, P. (2021). The Administrator Competencies and Personnel Administration in School under Samutsongkhram Primary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(3), 1217–1226. Retrieved from
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