Comparative Study of Inbound Logistics Technology of Goat Farming: Pathum Thani Province and Samut Sakhon Province

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Nittaya Maneewongse


The purposes of this research were to study the farmer’s status, the economy, media perception, and the factors affecting adaptation to goat farming technology, problems, and suggestions from the farmers. This research employed mixed methods using both qualitative and quantitative techniques, which included in-depth interviews and questionnaire surveys. The sampling was 35 in each province. Data were collected and analyzed using basic statistics and multiple regression computer programs.

It was found that: 1) both farmers’ status and media perception are equal, but Pathum Thani province has more goat farming knowledge than Samut Sakhon province; 2) factors affecting inbound logistics technology acceptance, which has a statistically significant relationship at 0.05 were goat house, breed herd rates, roughage, vaccination, deworming, and Brucellosis testing was high; and 3) problems encountered with the invading the area to be urbanization in Pathum Thani province. Some goat framings evacuate to other provinces compared with Samut Sakhon province, where the trend of goat raising is to gain more market due to the abundance of food sources, adequate land for grazing or foraging, but only have a closed-blood inbreeding problem. The tendency of sanitation and disease prevention in Pathum Thani province is appropriate with some veterinarians' or livestock officers’ recommendations from time to time, whereas Samut Sakhon province is starting the raise seriously in 2014 as a goat community enterprise.

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How to Cite
Maneewongse, N. (2022). Comparative Study of Inbound Logistics Technology of Goat Farming: Pathum Thani Province and Samut Sakhon Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 215–231. Retrieved from
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