A Case Study of Competitive Advantage Strategy That Effects the Success of Sugarcane Plantation Entrepreneur: Case Study Kanchanaburi Province
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This article aimed to study 1) the characteristics; 2) the relationship between strategic marketing mix and competitive advantage strategy; and 3) competitive advantage strategy that affect the successful operation of sugarcane plantation entrepreneurs’ case studies in Kanchanaburi province. This research was quantitative research. The questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection. The sample entrepreneurs’ case studies in Kanchanaburi province had 163 people. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, simple regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The research results were found as follows:
1) most samples have high characteristics of sugarcane plantation entrepreneurs’ case studies in Kanchanaburi province. The results indicated that the overall marketing mixed strategy was moderate level. The most important products and the overall competitive advantage strategy to most level while success of the operation overall and each aspect gives a high level of importance. The overall operational success in manufacturing, finance, and development is at a high level. It is important to be an operator of a sugarcane plantation; 2) marketing mix strategy is related to competitive advantage strategy. While sugarcane farmers focus on product strategy and marketing promotion; and 3) the competitive advantage strategy has the same effect on overall operational success.
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