Guideline of Development Watparattaphum Songkla Province to Be Vipassana Meditation Center

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Phra Chayapon Chaitavorn
Wate Bunnakornkul
Viroj Koomkrong


environment in the practice of Vipassana meditation according to Sappaya 7 principles in order to resolve misunderstandings about the goals of Dharma practice. By using a mixed research methodology, quantitative research and qualitative research method/documentary, which was divided into two phases: 1) documentary research 2) as an assessment. The results of completeness were summarized by interview and questionnaire by selecting a sample from 268 practitioners of Wat Pa Rattaphum. The data was analyzed using SWOT Analysis, then summarized in the form of the CIPPI Model and presented in the Descriptive Statistics formation. It was found that:

Wat Pa Rattaphum was successful because of the following important factors: 1) Context, Wat Pa Rattaphum has community support 2) Factors, peaceful environment (abbot), convenient transportation (orbit), complete food (nutrient), shady (meaning), monks enough Vipassana Master (Pukkha) is encouraged to practice Dhamma to achieve the goals; 3) Process, there is a policy for both education and observance of the ordinances consistent with Buddhist scriptures (passa); 4) Productivity, it employs the 4 foundations of mindfulness practice, which enables dharma practitioners to have peace of mind through precepts, concentration, and wisdom; and 5) Effect, it has faith to support the office.

From the research results, it was found that Sappaya 7 of Wat Pa Rattaphum was appropriate. It is a tool to support the development approach, that is, to be able to solve problems, understand and correct practice. According to Buddhist principles, I hope that this research will be a development guideline for temples and other dharma practice centers in the future for the benefit of society and the world.

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How to Cite
Chaitavorn, P. C., Bunnakornkul, W., & Koomkrong, V. (2022). Guideline of Development Watparattaphum Songkla Province to Be Vipassana Meditation Center. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 352–363. Retrieved from
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