A Study of Vipassana Meditation Practice in Pubba Sutta

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Phra Watcharachan Paungprakon
Viroj Koomkrong


The research paper’s objectives were 1) to study the contents and teachings in Pubbasutta and 2) to study Vipassana practice in Pubbasutta from studying Vipassana practice in Pubbasutta. It showed that an insight meditator initially experienced Vedana, either a pleasurable or unpleasurable feeling, while practicing, should be aware of the rise and fall of feelings, knowing their advantages and disadvantages, and the way out of such feeling attachment through the arising way of Vedana, according to Paiccasamuppada, the second insight knowledge called Paccayaparigahañana. Having realized the three common manners in both their arising and ceasing ways, he will pass through second insight knowledge, interring into third knowledge, Sammasanañana, having deep insight into Tilakkhana. In this state, he subdues lust, quits and abandons from Vedana clinging through complete realizing the ceasing way. This knowledge arises from experience of cause and ceasing away of feeling cling. He, with great effort, awareness, and mindfulness, observes any occurring pleasure and unpleasure at the present moment, noting that all of these feelings are ever-changing, unsatisfactory, and non-self, the feeling attachment causes the endless birth and death, and heading to release the feeling. Having realized the useless of feelings, the meditator’s mind goes to Nirodhavara, returning feelings and clinging of feelings. Having sacrificed all feeling attachment, he soon becomes bored and unsatisfactory to be bound, not clinging to any feelings, i.e., pleasure and unpleasure, then enters into the true insight of knowledge respectively.

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How to Cite
Paungprakon, P. W. ., & Koomkrong, V. . (2022). A Study of Vipassana Meditation Practice in Pubba Sutta. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 185–193. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/256259
Research Articles


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