A Study of Vipassana Meditation Practice in Uppalawanna Sutta

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Phra Amnat Rakchana


The objectives of this paper were 1) to study important dharma principles in the Uppalavana Sutta and 2) to study the practice of Vipassana meditation in the Upapawanna Sutta. It is a sutra on Phra Ubonwanna Bhikkhuni. He was extremely beautiful, skin-like as a lotus flower. While he was going out for the alms round, the devil tried to cause fear. The Elder had taught the devil the Dharma so that even though he was alone, he would not feel frightened. The devil could not see him because he was a master of the mind. Growing in power, freed from all attachments, is that you have attained enlightenment, and when the devil hears this, he is saddened that the Elder had realized it and lost his sight. The main dharma principle in Uppalwanna Sutta is the Iddhipada: path of accomplishment; basis for success, namely Chanda: will; zeal; aspiration, Viriya: energy; effort; exertion; perseverance, Citta: thoughtfulness; active thought; dedication, and Vimamsa: investigation; examination; reasoning; testing, which are important virtues that support the development of Vipassana meditation. Phra Ubonwanna Bhikkhuni was regarded by the Lord Buddha as the very powerful Bhikkhuni.

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How to Cite
Rakchana, P. A. (2022). A Study of Vipassana Meditation Practice in Uppalawanna Sutta. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 264–274. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/256648
Research Articles


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