An Analytical Study of the Relation Between the Seven Factors of Enlightenment in Kundaliya Sutta of Vipassana Meditation Practice

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Phra Ammarin Malailoy
Viroj Koomkrong


The objectives of this article were 1) to study the Seven Factors of Enlightenment in Kundaliya Sutta and 2) to study the Seven Factors of Enlightenment in Kundaliya Sutta related to Vipassana Meditation Practice by studying information from the Theravada Buddhist scriptures such as the Tripitaka, the Commentary, and other scriptures and related books, then summarized, compiled, and presented in a descriptive. The results of the study revealed that the Seven Factors of Enlightenment in Kundaliya Sutta associated with the practice of Vipassana Meditation are the qualities of the 7 Noble Person Dhammas that are the body of enlightenment. Knowing things that appear through the six anus by seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, and thinking are naturally pure as usual. The abstraction that is born with the mind is the contract, acting as a means of knowing, and Sankhara, acting to manipulate the response, causing the mind to not pass. There is only suffering, but the cultivation of the Seven Factors of Enlightenment will help the mind to return to its pure state through the process of cultivating mindfulness that recognizes the present state of Dharma as the main principle. When the practitioner regularly meditates, they will be freed from the taint without clinging to the four foundations of mindfulness. One develops the Seven Factors of Enlightenment that one develops like this and makes much of it, thus completing knowledge and liberation, to quench, to calm, to full knowledge, to enlightenment, to Nirvana.

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How to Cite
Malailoy, P. A., & Koomkrong, V. . (2022). An Analytical Study of the Relation Between the Seven Factors of Enlightenment in Kundaliya Sutta of Vipassana Meditation Practice. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 643–653. Retrieved from
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