An Analytical Study of The Suffering in The Aghamula Sutta Related of Vipassana Meditation Practice

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Phrapalad Somwang Sripen
Viroj Koomkrong


The objectives of this article were 1) to study the content and teaching that appeared in Aghamul Sutta and (2) to study the suffering in Aghamul Sutta related to Vipassana meditation practice. The studied data was taken from Theravada Buddhist scriptures and other related documents, summarized, analyzed, and compiled in a descriptive style. The results showed that As for suffering in Aghamul Sutta related to meditation practice, it refers to the knowledge occured from observing the five aggregates clinging, namely: 1) The practitioner observes the perception as suffering in which the objectives of insight, that is all forms are temporary, ever-changing, and disintegrated, as a cause of suffering, seeing what is impermanent is also suffering. 2) He observes suffering of feeling which contains sensual knowable agent that has a temperament arisen with consciousness. 3) He knows the suffering of perception characterized by emotional memory, arisen in the same with consciousness as the cause of suffering by realizing it as origin of suffering. 4) The practitioner observes suffering of Sankhara or thought while receiving sensual objects, in which thought will shape the mind to be in accordance with the thought types. and 5) He observes suffering of consciousness with wholesome and unwholesome types, which causes suffering. For Vipassana meditation mode, the practitioner should renounce 3 causes of suffering: 1) Kamatanha, 2) Bhavatanha, and 3) Vibhavatanha. These all cravings should be abandoned inherent 108 craving abandoning will lead the mind of the Vipassana practitioner to progress to the higher level for attaining the Noble Path and Fruits in the end.

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How to Cite
Sripen, P. S., & Koomkrong, V. (2022). An Analytical Study of The Suffering in The Aghamula Sutta Related of Vipassana Meditation Practice. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 654–663. Retrieved from
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