A Study Important Principles in the Avijjaya Sutta That Are to The Practice of Vipassana Bhavana

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Phra Adhikara Yuththana Somwongsa
Viroj Koomkrong


The objectives of this article were 1) to study the content and important Buddhist teaching found in the Avijja Sutta and 2) to study the important teachings relating to insight meditation practice in the Avijja Sutta. It was documentary research by studying data from Theravada Buddhist scriptures and documents related then summarized, analyzed, and compiled in descriptive style. The results of the research revealed that the teaching found in the Avijja Sutta relating to insight meditation practice reveals that yogis who practice insight should avoid ignorance, which is the subject of all unwholesome deeds, consisting of Ahirika or shamelessness, which is an Ahirikacetasika refers to the immoral consciousness without fear of wrong deeds, Anottappa or the fear of sin. Anottappacetasika is the mental state of not being afraid of any wrong deeds and wrong paths consisting of eight paths such as Yogis’ wrong practice, for example, wrong view on fruitless giving and worships and so on. In addition, the Buddha taught the right knowledge or Vijja as the president of all wholesome consciousness consisting of Hiri or shame and Ottappa or fear of dreads, and the right path called Sammamagga. Yogis who practice insight should cultivate the Eightfold Path, for example, yogis who practice insight should conduct the right view, which is the president of all the other noble paths. When it arises, the other noble paths surely follow. This is an important teaching for Vipassana meditation practice because it leads to the cessation of suffering known as Dukkhanirodhagaminipatipada.

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How to Cite
Somwongsa, P. A. Y., & Koomkrong, V. (2022). A Study Important Principles in the Avijjaya Sutta That Are to The Practice of Vipassana Bhavana. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 619–630. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/257034
Research Articles


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