A Study of Value and Motivation Toward the Sacred Objects of Buddhists

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Phrakhruwisalsaranat Udom Auampanee
Phrathepsuwanmethee Suchart Huanjit
Thanee Suwanprateeb


The purposes of this article were to: 1) study the origin and development of Thai sacred objects; 2) study the concept, values, and motivations of belief in the sacred objects; and 3) analyze the values and motivations of belief in sacred objects. This research was qualitative research by collecting information as well as in-depth interviews. The research results were found as follows:

  1. The various Buddha images and involved things such as Bodhi tree, etc. were made by Buddhists to remember the Buddha after his passing away after they found the Buddha images, they represented the Buddha in order to reflect the Buddha. Later on, the sacred objects have been created with wholesome faith in Buddha’s sacred power.

  2. The belief in the Buddhābhiseka ritual refers to performance with confidence in the holy power of Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha, and the merits in sacred objects. Thai society, with continued Buddhist culture, believes that the Buddha’s sanctity resides in those images and comes from the power of belief in the objects’ sacredness. At present, the sacred objects have been changed to commercial flow.

  3. The value of motivation for belief in sacred objects of most Buddhists was that those who worship Buddhist sacred objects often escape from dangers or even survive from death like a miracle for this reason. The important values of righteous belief, faith in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha are practical, self-witnessed, and confidential. With such Buddhist sacred objects, one will be surely no danger, successful, so people generally accept the sacred objects completely.

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How to Cite
Udom Auampanee, P., Suchart Huanjit, P., & Suwanprateeb, T. (2022). A Study of Value and Motivation Toward the Sacred Objects of Buddhists. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 503–516. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/257190
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