The Decision - Making Factors of School Administrators under the Church of Christ in Thailand

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Aroonsri Arckarapunyathorn
Nuchnara Rattarasiraprapha


This article aimed to determine: 1) the factors of decision-making of school administrators under The Church of Christ in Thailand; and 2) the confirmatory results for the decision-making factors of school administrators under The Church of Christ in Thailand. This research was a descriptive methodology which used both quantitative and qualitative means. There were three research instruments, which were a semi-structured interview, an opinionnaire and a factor confirmatory form. The samples group were divided by each research instrument: (1) the semi-structured interview was an instrument to collect the data from principal management, school management and academician, all together seven experts. (2) an opinionnaire, the sample size consisted of 26 schools, which was determined by using Taro Yamane’s formula, with the confidence at 95 % and error at ±5%. There were 10 respondents from each school, for a total of 260 respondents. (3) a factor confirmatory form was an instrument to confirm the findings from 5 education specialists. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis, and content analysis.

The conclusions of the study were as follows: 1. The factors of decision-making of school administrators under The Church of Christ in Thailand consisted of six factors, which were: (1) strategic planning; (2) policy implementation; (3) behavior change management; (4) budget management; (5) promote management according to the creative economy policy; and (6) business environment analysis. 2.The results of the factor confirmatory form for all decision-making factors of school administrators under The Church of Christ in Thailand were accuracy, propriety, feasibility, and utility.

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How to Cite
Arckarapunyathorn, A., & Rattarasiraprapha, N. (2022). The Decision - Making Factors of School Administrators under the Church of Christ in Thailand. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(3), 1104–1119. retrieved from
Research Articles


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