Development Guidelines on Speaking Skills and the Art of Speaking in Public of Students at Assumption University

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Nanta Thongtaweewattana


This article aimed to study the development guidelines of speaking skills, the art of public speaking, and the art of public speaking. The sample was students who enrolled in GE3401, Public Speaking in Thai, totaling 40 students. They were selected by being students who enrolled in GE3401, a subject directly contributing to public speaking. The instruments for collecting data were unstructured interviews and participative observation. The research results were found as follows:

  1. It is now known that the 2 main aspects of speaking skill development are preparation and analyzing speaking issues

  2. The guidelines for developing speaking skills are language use, ordering of ideas, word compilation, and expression.

  3. Guidelines for developing speaking skills can be further elaborated upon. This includes the speaker’s preparation, audience analysis, speaking on specific occasions, and evaluation of speech. Likewise, the development of public speaking skills can be categorized into 3 categories: speaking style, proper wording, and giving speeches.

The finding of this research is the knowledge of developing public speaking skills and the art of speaking in public, which is beneficial for the development of speaking skills for students or those that are interested.

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How to Cite
Thongtaweewattana, N. (2022). Development Guidelines on Speaking Skills and the Art of Speaking in Public of Students at Assumption University. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(3), 912–929. retrieved from
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