Juvenile and Family Court Areas in Family Case that the Minors Have Interests

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Athip Chanthanarot
Suchada Rattanapibul
Thatchapong Wongriantong


This academic paper presented the notion of defining the jurisdiction of the Juvenile and Family Court in family trials in which minors have an interest, which is currently not defined in the Juvenile and Family Court and Procedure Act B.E. 2553. Therefore, the general principles for determining the court's boundaries as defined in the Civil Procedure Code are used. The defendant's domicile or the place where the lawsuit was born. This may not be appropriate for family cases in which minors have interests. This is because family cases where minors have an interest must also take into account the best interests of the child. In addition, the mechanism for family cases in which the minors have an interest requires the Observation Center to be involved in the trial by having the Director of the Observation Center come to investigate the facts related to the minor and make a report to the Director in order for the Director of the Observation Center to offer his opinion to the Juvenile and Family Court. Therefore, juvenile and family court boundaries in family cases where the minors have an interest should also be linked to minors who have an interest in the case.

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How to Cite
Chanthanarot, A., Rattanapibul, S., & Wongriantong, T. . (2022). Juvenile and Family Court Areas in Family Case that the Minors Have Interests. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 704–716. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/258089
Academic Articles


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