The Role of Buddhism Propagation of The Disciples in The Suttanta Pitaka

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Phra Prayoon Rungrueng


This article has three objectives: 1) to study the history and qualifications of important disciples; 2) to study methods and practices for attaining the dharma of the disciples; and 3) to analyze the roles of the disciples' propagation of Buddhism in the Suttanta Pitaka. This was qualitative research, which studied data from Theravada Buddhist scriptures and related documents. Analyze, summarize, and compile a descriptive lecture.

The results of the research showed that 1) the qualifications before attaining dharma or before becoming ordained in Buddhism of the Buddhist disciples who were born from all castes, when being ordained in Buddhism, must practice within the framework of the Dharma discipline; 2) methods and practices for attaining the enlightenment of the disciples found that in the past Indian society, ordination was necessary for one's life to seek Mukkha Dharma if one wanted to break free from the entrusted obligations. or is determined by society, customs and culture, must seek peace and happiness by ordaining and studying the arts in the school where the ancestors or themselves worshiped and meditated and meditated Help to pass on the knowledge of the teacher or not depends on the individual's ethics or vision; and 3) analyzing the role of Buddhism’s propagation of the disciples in the Suttanta Titaka, it was found that after attaining an Arahant, the Buddhist disciples all followed their own best practices by helping to propagate Buddhism or by seclusion. According to the place where he wishes to be alone, some travel to different places with their families, some follow the Lord Buddha in order to fulfill the work that he has the ability to follow the principles that he adheres to as a practice.

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How to Cite
Rungrueng, P. P. (2022). The Role of Buddhism Propagation of The Disciples in The Suttanta Pitaka. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(4), 1366–1375. retrieved from
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