Administrator’s Leadership traits and Child Development Center Administration under the Municipality in Ratchaburi Province
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This article aimed to study (1) the administrator’s leadership traits of a child development center under the municipality in Ratchaburi province; (2) child development center administration under the municipality in Ratchaburi province; and (3) the relationship between administrator’s leadership traits and child development center administration under the municipality in Ratchaburi province. The sample consisted of 56 child development centers under the municipality in Ratchaburi province. The respondents were ahead of the child development center and a teacher/child caregiver, a total of 112 people. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Analysis of data by frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.
The research results were found as follows: 1. administrator’s leadership traits of the child development center under the municipality in Ratchaburi province. Generally, it was found at a high level; 2. child development center administration under the municipality in Ratchaburi province. Generally, it was found at a high level; and 3. the relationship between an administrator’s leadership traits and child development center administration under the municipality in Ratchaburi province was found at .01 level of statistical significance.
The research found the key leadership traits of administrators and child development center management were the executive leadership traits of all job-related attributes with the highest arithmetic mean. It can be applied to work in the agency. To be effective, they should pay attention to the management of child development centers in all aspects.
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