The Development of Integrated Learning Activities on Self Care by Herb Local Wisdom for Grade 4-6 Students at Ban Lan Laem (Sornnuwatratuthit) School, Nakhon Chai Si, Nakhon Pathom
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This article aimed to (1) study the context of Thai herbs in local wisdom in Nakhon Chai Si, Nakhon Pathom province; (2) develop integrated learning activities in self-care with herbal wisdom; and (3) study the results of integrated learning activities in self-care with herbal wisdom. The population of this action research was conducted with 43 students studying in an elementary school at Ban Lan Laem School. They were selected by purposive sampling. The tools for data collection were the integrated learning activity plan, knowledge measurement, awareness measurement questionnaire, and satisfaction measurement questionnaire. Data in content analysis was analyzed by parameter methods, which were mean, standard deviation, and variance. The research results were found as follows:
1. The general context of herbal wisdom had a community capital and relevant learning resources in the community about herbs.
2. The Development of integrated learning activities on self-care with herbal wisdom which learning activity plan has been developed with schools, communities, and hospitals by giving the name of the activity plan as "Integrated Learning Activity Plan on Self-Care with Herbal Wisdom."
3. The results of learning activities found that the average after participating in the activity was higher than before participating in the activity which statistically significant difference at the 0.05 level. The level of awareness of using herbs in the overall activities was at a high level. Lastly, the overall level of satisfaction in participating in the activities was at the highest level.
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