Development of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Mathematics Teacher which Implement Blended learning through Professional Learning Community

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Wanintorn Poonpaiboonpipat


This study aimed to (1) develop a professional learning community (PLC) for mathematics teachers who implement blended learning and (2) study the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of mathematics teachers. The qualitative research method was employed in this study. The participants were 17 volunteer mathematics teachers. The instruments for collecting data were interviews, observations, logbooks, and lesson plans. Data were analyzed by content analysis and analytic induction. The research results were found as follows:

1. The development of a professional learning community for mathematics teachers who implement blended learning through lesson study in the Plan-See-Reflect cycle was a practical way for PLC and should focus on: 1) participants are volunteers; 2) there are experienced experts in PLC reflection; 3) participants have necessary knowledge; 4) participants want to upskill; and 5) the support team are sympathetic.

2. Through lesson study processes, all 17 mathematics teachers developed their TPACK. Eight teachers or 47 percent transform to adapting level and nine teachers or 53 percent was in exploring level. For Adapting level, teachers can partly integrated technology to mathematics classroom while for exploring level, teacher can mainly implement technology in the classroom and teacher was a facilitator.

The research findings would benefit mathematics teaching professional development, designing mathematics learning activities and research in mathematics learning implementation.

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How to Cite
Poonpaiboonpipat, W. (2022). Development of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Mathematics Teacher which Implement Blended learning through Professional Learning Community. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(4), 1601–1620. retrieved from
Research Articles


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