Roles of Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Pathum Thani Province in Preventing and Solving Pregnancy Problems in Teenagers

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Pattama Pasitpakakul
Ampai Muensit


This article aimed to study 1) the roles of subdistrict administrative organizations in preventing and solving pregnancy problems in teenagers and 2) guidelines for promoting the roles of the subdistrict administrative organizations in conducting the prevention and solution of teenage pregnancy. The data were collected through in-depth interviews using a structured interview form. The target group was 10 key informants, executives, and officers chosen by purposive selection from 2 local government organizations, the Klonghok Subdistrict Administrative Organization and the Klongjed Subdistrict Administrative Organization.

The research findings showed that: 1) the subdistrict administrative organization in conducting the prevention and solution of teenage pregnancy was (1) exploring people in the communities in order to acknowledge the problems and needs for solving the problems and in order to provide counseling and transfer to related agencies; (2) doing a project on preventing pregnancy problems in teenagers; and (3) coordinating with related networks and agencies such as subdistrict health promoting hospitals, the Provincial Social Development and Human Security Office, the Family Development Center, the Children and Youth Council, community leaders, members of the Council, volunteer leaders, village health volunteers, non-governmental organizations, mass media, parents, local teenagers, etc. 2) The guidelines for promoting the roles of subdistrict administrative organizations in preventing and solving pregnancy problems in teenagers were: (1) providing personnel and fiscal support for the project; (2) promoting the project on preventing and solving pregnancy problems in teenagers; (3) proactive support of the coordination with related networks for financial aid; and (4) promoting the roles of families and communities to realize the importance of pregnancy problems in teenagers.


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How to Cite
Pasitpakakul, P., & Muensit, A. . (2022). Roles of Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Pathum Thani Province in Preventing and Solving Pregnancy Problems in Teenagers. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(4), 1675–1688. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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