Guidelines for the Development Good Governance Management of School Administrators in The Charity Schools of the Buddhist Temples in Roi-Et Province

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Pattiya Angkuna
Theeraphat Thinsandee
Phra Palakorn Sumnagkalo (Anupan)


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the administration in accordance with the good governance principles of the administrators of charitable schools of Buddhist temples in Roi Et Province; 2) to compare the administration according to the good governance of school administrators based on the opinions of teachers and educational personnel classified by sex, educational level, and work experience; and 3) to develop guidelines for improving management in accordance with the principles of good governance of school administrators. Using an integrated research methodology, In quantitative research, a sample of 178 teachers and educational personnel was studied; the sample size was determined using the Taro Yamane formula. The data was analyzed using average statistics, standard deviation, t-tests, and F-tests (one-way ANOVA), and qualitative research from the interviews with administrators and teachers of eight people used the content analysis method. Research findings were as follows: 1) The operational level of management found that the overall level was at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the rule of law was at the highest level. 2) The results of a comparative analysis of administration according to good governance, classified by gender, educational level, and work experience, found that teachers and educational personnel of different sexes have different levels of opinion towards management according to the principles of good governance. Overall, all aspects are the same, rejecting the hypothesis, and 3) Development guidelines according to the principles of good governance for school administrators were as follows: (1) set common goals; (2) promote the cost-effective use of resources; (3) build confidence; (4) encourage personnel to be enthusiastic; (5) work transparently; (6) provide opportunities for stakeholders to participate; (7) decentralize responsibility; (8) adhere to regulations strictly with kindness; (9) non-discrimination; and (10) allow everyone to share their opinions.

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How to Cite
Angkuna, P. ., Thinsandee, T. ., & Sumnagkalo (Anupan), P. P. . (2023). Guidelines for the Development Good Governance Management of School Administrators in The Charity Schools of the Buddhist Temples in Roi-Et Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), 40–57. Retrieved from
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