Buddhist Psychotherapy: An Analysis in Nursing Dimension

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Preeyaporn Visalboon
Surumpha Rodmanee
Naowanit Poungjuntaradej
Benyapa Thonprasertvat


Psychosis, according to the Western psychological view, is a disease of the body that is caused by the brain and the environment. The patient will have behavior that is characteristic of a madman or insane person, so the treatment is physical healing by doctors. But mental illness, from the Buddhist viewpoint, is a false view because the mind is overwhelmed by the power of defilements and craving. If people do not control their minds and do not use consciousness to consider things, The mind will think and order the body to act according to the power of defilements and cravings. There is tension in the body and mind, causing health problems and physical diseases. If the tension always arises and intensifies until the brain and nervous system become unbearable, people will behave like madmen or insane people, which is a physical disease. Treatment must involve physical healing by doctors and using medication. As for the false view, they must be treated in the mind in order to turn negative energy into positive ones. One method is to do Buddhist psychotherapy. The principle is to start with the therapist talking to the patient to find out the root cause of the problem and relieve the suffering that has been endured for a long time. Then it will be the process of controlling the mind, starting with making consciousness happen by practicing mindfulness on breathing, knowing posture, and knowing every movement and every action so that the mind will not be distracted in order to make consciousness more complete. Then the physical tension and mental distress of the patient will gradually decrease. The last step is to change the attitude and behavior by practicing the five precepts and five dhammas for peaceful living.

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How to Cite
Visalboon, P., Rodmanee, S., Poungjuntaradej, N., & Thonprasertvat, B. (2023). Buddhist Psychotherapy: An Analysis in Nursing Dimension. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), 120–140. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/261601
Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Preeyaporn Visalboon, Police Nursing College, General Police Hospital, Royal Thai Police, Thailand



Surumpha Rodmanee, Police Nursing College, General Police Hospital, Royal Thai Police, Thailand



Naowanit Poungjuntaradej, Police Nursing College, General Police Hospital, Royal Thai Police, Thailand




Benyapa Thonprasertvat, Police Nursing College, General Police Hospital, Royal Thai Police, Thailand




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