The Development of a Model for Volunteer Spirit of The Lower Secondary Level Student in Opportunity Expansion School in Thailand
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This article aimed to 1) develop a model of volunteering for lower secondary school students in expanding opportunities schools in Thailand; and 2) test and improve the model of volunteering for lower secondary school students in expanding opportunities schools in Thailand. The research model was research and development. The sample was 94 Inthamoleeprathan School students in Singburi Province. The research process was conducted in three steps as follows: 1) the development of a model of student volunteerism; 2) an experiment on the model of building a volunteer mind in the students; and 3) an improvement of the model of building a volunteer mind in the students. student There are two types of research tools used in this research. The data were analyzed using the mean, standard deviation, and T-test.
The research results were found as follows: 1) The student volunteering model consists of two components: an academic aspect and learner development activities. Volunteer behaviors are classified into three types: 2) Experimental results It was discovered that students' volunteer behavior in general and in the behavior category was significantly higher than before the experiment at the.05 level, and students volunteered behavior in general, academic behavior category, and student development activities. At the.05 level, the study after the trial was significantly higher than before the trial, and 3) the results of the improvement of the volunteer spirit modeling model included three topics: (1) explaining each component as a one-page diagram; (2) writing a lesson plan for volunteering activities in academics and in the aspect of student development activities. (3) The storage of data to make a link to store in the cloud or on the school's website.
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