A Model of The Factors Influencing Competitive Advantage of Entrepreneurs in Real Estate Industrial Business in Thailand

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Qinghui Cai
Sirachaya Karaweak
Buraporn Kumboon
Suchart Prakthayanon


Article: A Model of The Factors Influencing Competitive Advantage of Entrepreneurs in Real Estate Industrial Business in Thailand. The objectives were: (1) to study the causal factors influencing the competitive advantage; (2) to develop a model of the factors affecting the competitive advantage; and (3) to study and examine the conformity of the model with empirical data of the model of factors affecting the competitive advantage of real estate industrial businesses in Thailand. This study was quantitative and qualitative research. The sample group used in the study were managers of real estate companies, juristic persons in the Bangkok area. and the eastern region, namely Chonburi, Chachoengsao, and Rayong. This was a quantitative data collection from a sample by distributing a questionnaire to 400 people using a proportional randomization method, and qualitative data were collected by interviewing 20 people using a specific sampling method. The tool used to collect data is a ready-made computer program. Data were analyzed using statistical analysis, i.e., percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation, and route analysis.

The results of the research revealed that (1) the ability of business operations. Competitive Advantage Creation Market focus has a positive direct influence on building competitive advantage. and business performance have a positive direct influence on creating competitive advantage; (2) the development of a model of factors affecting competitive advantage of real estate business operators in Thailand. The factors of competitive advantage that play an important part are differentiation. cost leadership quick response aspect and market-oriented. (3) Consistency of the structural equation model using the LISREL 8.8 Student Version program. All indicators passed the standard. It can be concluded that the analysis results obtained from this research are consistent with the empirical data, in order of statistical significance.

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How to Cite
Cai, Q., Karaweak, S., Kumboon, B., & Prakthayanon, S. (2023). A Model of The Factors Influencing Competitive Advantage of Entrepreneurs in Real Estate Industrial Business in Thailand . Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 520–539. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/262037
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Qinghui Cai, Faculty of Business, Bangkokthonburi University, Thailand



Sirachaya Karaweak, Faculty of Business, Bangkokthonburi University, Thailand



Buraporn Kumboon, Faculty of Business, Bangkokthonburi University, Thailand



Suchart Prakthayanon, Faculty of Business, Bangkokthonburi University, Thailand




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