Potential Enhancing Lanna’s Food Productive based on Cultural Capital to Career and Income of Sustainability Community

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Nirut Chaichok
Kasama Kasorn


Development based on the potential of community cultural capital is essential for sustainable community economic development. This study focused on the potential for enhancing Lanna’s food productivity based on cultural capital for careers and the income of the sustainability community. Mixed-methods research via participatory rural appraisal for learning and development with the communities in Chiang Rai Province. The collections came from a documentary study, group discussions, learning activities, an in-depth interview, and a questionnaire with key informants such as product entrepreneurs, women's groups, community leaders, community developers, experts, and staffs of 40 persons. Data analysis on qualitative data was analyzed by using grounded theory as open coding, category, axial coding, and theoretical generalizations for interpretation and conclusion; quantitative data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, including mean, and standard deviation. The results were as follows:

Potential for Lanna’s food production is based on cultural capital such as competence, knowledge, and expertise within the community and an entrepreneurial attitude. Lanna’s food production process of making pineapple flavored khao soi is a souvenir product that creates the value of a career and income. By defining satisfaction as a potential enhancement at high levels, we included product identity, product quality, job creation, and income towards sustainability community. Research knowledge marks Lanna’s food productivity as uniqueness in the career and income of the sustainability community.

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How to Cite
Chaichok, N., & Kasorn, K. (2023). Potential Enhancing Lanna’s Food Productive based on Cultural Capital to Career and Income of Sustainability Community. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 681–697. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/263043
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Nirut Chaichok, Chiangrai Rajabhat University, Thailand



Kasama Kasorn, Chiangrai Rajabhat University, Thailand




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