Learning Experiences for Money Saving of Grade 4-6 Students at Ban Nong Lang School in Surin Province

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Jantaraniwat Visitsilp
Niranart Sansa
Jirasuk Suksawat


This research article aimed to study the learning experiences for money saving of primary education students at Ban Nong Lang School in Surin Province. This research was qualitative and based on a phenomenological approach. The key research informants were divided into two groups: The first group consisted of 10 Grades 4–6 students at Ban Nong Lang School who had experience money saving. The second group consisted of 10 parents who were purposively selected based on selection criteria. The employed data collection tool was an in-depth interview. Research data were analyzed with content analysis to create inductive conclusions in order to answer the research objective. The research findings revealed that the learning experiences for money saving of primary education students at Ban Nong Lang School in Surin Province focused on three main issues: The first main issue was the start of money saving. It consisted of two sub-issues: (1) learning about money saving and (2) starting to save money. The second main issue was the practice of money saving. It consisted of four sub-issues: (1) the money saving method, (2) the money saving model, (3) the target of money saving, and (4) the money expenditure. The third main issue was the lesson obtained from money saving. It consisted of three sub-issues: (1) the perception of the benefits of money saving; (2) the pride of having saved money, and (3) the provision of advice and mouth-to-mouth telling.   

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How to Cite
Visitsilp, J., Sansa, N., & Suksawat, J. (2023). Learning Experiences for Money Saving of Grade 4-6 Students at Ban Nong Lang School in Surin Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 772–791. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/263109
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Jantaraniwat Visitsilp, Faculty of Education, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand



Niranart Sansa, Faculty of Education, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand



Jirasuk Suksawat, Faculty of Education, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand




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