The Development of Instructional Geometry Problems Activities to Enhance Critical Problem Solving by Design Thinking Process for Secondary Students

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Teerasak Thanakoolkaweepong
Yanin Kongthip
Sukanya Hajisalah
Anek Janjaroon


This article aimed (1) to develop instructional geometry problems activities to enhance critical problem solving and (2) to compare the critical problem-solving abilities of students. The research model was experimental research. The population consisted of students who studied geometry-related content at the junior high school level at Roong-Aroon School. The target group consisted of 27 Mathayomsuksa 4 students selected through purposive sampling. The interventions used for this research consisted of (1) the tool for instructional geometry problem-solving activities, which is 8 learning lesson plans divided into 4 group activities and 4 individual activities; and (2) a tool for assessing students' critical problem-solving ability, which is a test to measure the ability before studying, between, and after the posttest. Data were analyzed using E1/E2 efficiency calculations and a t-test for dependent sample statistics. The research results were found as follows: 1. The instructional geometry problems activities to enhance critical problem-solving by design thinking process for secondary students with efficiency were equal to 78.21/75.28, which was higher than the criteria. 2. Students’ critical problem-solving abilities after being taught instructional geometry problems activities by the design thinking process were higher than before being taught at .01 level of significance. The results of this research will be helpful for the professional development of mathematics teachers, research, and the design of instructional activities, including enhancing problem-solving skills, critical thinking, or critical problem solving.

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How to Cite
Thanakoolkaweepong, T., Kongthip, Y., Hajisalah, S., & Janjaroon, A. (2023). The Development of Instructional Geometry Problems Activities to Enhance Critical Problem Solving by Design Thinking Process for Secondary Students. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 811–830. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Teerasak Thanakoolkaweepong, Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand



Yanin Kongthip, Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand



Sukanya Hajisalah, Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand




Anek Janjaroon, Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand




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