The Administration of the Organization through School Innovation in Office of the Primary Educational Service Area, Education Region 18

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Nirattisrai Thammasorn
Sitiporn Koa-un
Sirimas Muensai


This article aimed to 1) study the condition of transformational leadership knowledge management Organizational atmosphere and innovative organization of schools under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area, Education Region 18; 2) analyze the factors of transformational leadership, knowledge management, and organizational atmosphere that affect the innovative organization of schools; and 3) present guidelines for developing management into an innovative organization of schools under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area, Education Region 18. The sample group was administrators, teachers, and educational personnel—377 people. by a multi-step random selection. Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression correlation coefficient analysis.

The research results were as follows: 1) The results of the study of management conditions in terms of transformational leadership, knowledge management, organizational climate, and innovative organizations in schools under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area, Education Region 18, were at a very high level; 2) Factors of transformational leadership, knowledge management, organizational climate, and innovative organizations in schools under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area, Education Region 18, have 31 out of 65 factors affecting innovation organizations. The aforementioned variables were able to predict the dependent variables at 93.20% with statistical significance at the.05 level; and 3) A summary of the management approach towards innovative organization of schools under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area, Education Region 18, has six approaches, consisting of (1) developing the potential of administrators; (2) developing school operations; (3) developing the use of media teacher technology; (4) promoting public relations and information dissemination; (5) promoting learning and the exchange of knowledge; and (6) transforming knowledge to develop professionals and communities.

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How to Cite
Thammasorn, N., Koa-un, S. ., & Muensai, S. . . (2023). The Administration of the Organization through School Innovation in Office of the Primary Educational Service Area, Education Region 18. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(3), 1566–1583. Retrieved from
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